400 popular animal names in hindi | My Pet Animals

animal names in hindi

Learning animal names in Hindi is a great way to connect with India’s rich heritage and natural beauty in a world filled with different languages and cultures. This article, Popular Animal Names in Hindi, is a complete guide for anyone looking to improve their vocabulary while enjoying the Hindi language. Whether you are a student wanting to learn more, a traveler getting ready for a trip to India, a parent teaching your child or someone who loves languages, this article is made for you.

Knowing animal names in Hindi goes beyond just learning words; it helps you appreciate India’s diverse wildlife, stories, and traditions. With this list of 400 animal names, you will find it simpler to talk and interact in places where Hindi is spoken.

The article features a variety of animals, from everyday pets to rare wildlife, providing a complete learning experience.

Common animal names in hindi and english

This list will help you learn some common animal names. Knowing these names will make it easier for you to talk about animals in both Hindi and English. It will also help you understand conversations, watch Indian movies, or read books in Hindi. Learning animal names is a fun and easy way to start learning a new language.

Animal Names In HindiAnimal Names In EnglishScientific Name
गायCowBos taurus
बकरीGoatCapra aegagrus hircus
कुत्ताDogCanis lupus familiaris
बिल्लीCatFelis catus
हाथीElephantElephas maximus
शेरLionPanthera leo
बाघTigerPanthera tigris
तेंदुआLeopardPanthera pardus
घोड़ाHorseEquus ferus caballus
ऊंटCamelCamelus dromedarius
बंदरMonkeyMacaca mulatta
कछुआTortoiseTestudo spp.
सियारJackalCanis aureus
सुअरPigSus scrofa
खरगोशRabbitOryctolagus cuniculus
गधाDonkeyEquus asinus
ऊदबिलावOtterLutra lutra
गैंडाRhinocerosRhinoceros unicornis
बत्तखDuckAnas platyrhynchos
हंसSwanCygnus olor
मुर्गाRoosterGallus gallus
मोरPeacockPavo cristatus
मुर्गीHenGallus gallus domesticus
बाघीदानाCheetahAcinonyx jubatus
कबूतरPigeonColumba livia
चूहाMouseMus musculus
कंगारूKangarooMacropus spp.
जिराफGiraffeGiraffa camelopardalis
खरगोशHareLepus europaeus
सांपCobraNaja naja
पैंथरPantherPanthera pardus
कांगारूWallabyMacropus rufogriseus
भेड़SheepOvis aries
सारसCraneGrus grus
घड़ियालCrocodileGavialis gangeticus
बत्तखGooseAnser anser
बायसनBisonBison bison
निलगायNilgaiBoselaphus tragocamelus
शुतुरमुर्गOstrichStruthio camelus

Why Learn Animal Names in Hindi?

Learning the names of animals in Hindi helps you better understand India’s way of life and traditions. Animals are an important part of Indian culture, religion, and daily activities. If you plan to visit India, speak with Hindi speakers, or read Indian books and stories, knowing animal names in Hindi will make things easier and more interesting.

Cultural Significance of Animals in India

In India, animals hold strong cultural and religious meanings. For example, the cow is sacred in Hinduism, and elephants symbolize wisdom and prosperity. Many animals also appear in Indian myths and stories, making their Hindi names important for understanding these traditions.

The Role of Hindi in Understanding Indian Culture

Hindi is widely spoken in India, and learning animal names in Hindi helps you connect more deeply with the culture. Animals are mentioned in films, songs, and stories, and knowing their Hindi names makes it easier to understand and enjoy these cultural expressions.

Practical Benefits of Knowing Animal Names

Knowing animal names in Hindi is also practical. If you travel or live in India, it will help you communicate better. It makes it easier to talk about animals in daily conversations, visit zoos, or read about wildlife in India.

Categories of Animal Names in Hindi

Domestic Animals (पालतू जानवर)

Domestic Animal names in Hindi and English

Learning the names of domestic animals in both Hindi and English can help you understand and speak better in both languages. It will also allow you to have simple conversations about animals in daily life, whether you are talking to family and friends or even watching TV shows and movies.

Here is a table of domestic animal names in both English and Hindi, along with their scientific names:

Domestic Animal Names In Hindi Domestic Animal Names In EnglishScientific Name
कुत्ताDogCanis lupus familiaris
बिल्लीCatFelis catus
गायCowBos taurus
भैंसBuffaloBubalus bubalis
घोड़ाHorseEquus ferus caballus
बकराGoatCapra aegagrus hircus
भेड़SheepOvis aries
मुर्गीHenGallus gallus
मुर्गाRoosterGallus gallus
खरगोशRabbitOryctolagus cuniculus
गधाDonkeyEquus asinus
सुअरPigSus scrofa domesticus
बतखDuckAnas platyrhynchos
टर्कीTurkeyMeleagris gallopavo
गिनी पिगGuinea PigCavia porcellus
मछलीFishVarious species
कबूतरPigeonColumba livia
चूहाMouseMus musculus
ऊंटCamelCamelus dromedarius
बकरी का बच्चाCow CalfBos taurus
कुत्ते का बच्चाDog PuppyCanis lupus familiaris
बिल्ली का बच्चाCat KittenFelis catus
फेरेटFerretMustela putorius furo
कछुआTortoiseTestudinidae family
हम्स्टरHamsterMesocricetus auratus
हाथीElephantElephas maximus
लामाLlamaLama glama
अल्पाकाAlpacaVicugna pacos
मुर्गाChickenGallus gallus domesticus
बकरा बच्चाGoat KidCapra aegagrus hircus
बैलCow BullBos taurus
मधुमक्खीBeeApis mellifera
हंसSwanCygnus genus
तिलचट्टाCockroachBlattodea order
शुतुरमुर्गOstrichStruthio camelus
भेड़ का बच्चाSheep LambOvis aries
बत्तख का बच्चाDucklingAnas platyrhynchos
पूडलPoodleCanis lupus familiaris
कॉकर स्पैनियलCocker SpanielCanis lupus familiaris
कोलीCollieCanis lupus familiaris
जर्मन शेफर्डGerman ShepherdCanis lupus familiaris
चिहुआहुआChihuahuaCanis lupus familiaris
पगPugCanis lupus familiaris
सेंट बर्नार्डSaint BernardCanis lupus familiaris
बॉक्स कुत्ताBoxer DogCanis lupus familiaris
रॉटवीलरRottweilerCanis lupus familiaris
डलमेशियनDalmatianCanis lupus familiaris
बुलडॉगBulldogCanis lupus familiaris
शिह त्ज़ूShih TzuCanis lupus familiaris

Farm Animal names in hindi and engish

Farm Animal names in Hindi and English

Learning Farm animal names in Hindi and English helps us understand their role better. Whether you are a student or interested in farm life, knowing these names will help you learn more about the animals that live on farms.

Farm Animal Names In HindiFarm Animal Names In EnglishScientific Name
गायCowBos taurus
बैलBullBos taurus
भैंसBuffaloBubalus bubalis
बकरीGoatCapra aegagrus hircus
भेड़SheepOvis aries
मुर्गाRoosterGallus gallus domesticus
मुर्गीHenGallus gallus domesticus
घोड़ाHorseEquus ferus caballus
गधाDonkeyEquus asinus
सुअरPigSus scrofa domesticus
खरगोशRabbitOryctolagus cuniculus
ऊँटCamelCamelus dromedarius
कुकुरDogCanis lupus familiaris
बिल्लीCatFelis catus
बत्तखDuckAnas platyrhynchos
खरगोश का बच्चाBaby RabbitOryctolagus cuniculus
मुर्गी का बच्चाChickGallus gallus domesticus
बकरी का बच्चाKid (Baby Goat)Capra aegagrus hircus
गाय का बच्चाCalfBos taurus

Wild Animals (जंगली जानवर)

Wild Animal names in Hindi and english
Wild Animals In HindiWild Animals In EnglishScientific Name
शेरLionPanthera leo
बाघTigerPanthera tigris
तेंदुआLeopardPanthera pardus
हाथीElephantElephas maximus
भेड़ियाWolfCanis lupus
लोमड़ीFoxVulpes vulpes
गोरिल्लाGorillaGorilla gorilla
चिम्पांजीChimpanzeePan troglodytes
चीताCheetahAcinonyx jubatus
बाइसनBisonBison bison
जंगली सुअरWild BoarSus scrofa
गीदड़JackalCanis aureus
जंगली कुत्ताWild DogLycaon pictus
कंगारूKangarooMacropus rufus
चिंपांजीChimpanzeePan troglodytes
बाघिनTigressPanthera tigris
जंगली बकरीWild GoatCapra aegagrus
काले भालूBlack BearUrsus americanus
वन मृगForest DeerCervus elaphus
बकरीGoatCapra hircus
हथिनीFemale ElephantElephas maximus
भालू बच्चाBear CubUrsidae
तेंदुए का बच्चाLeopard CubPanthera pardus
वुल्फWolfCanis lupus
लंगूरLangurSemnopithecus entellus
जोड़ी बंदरPair of MonkeysCercopithecoidea
असम बाघAssam TigerPanthera tigris tigris
पेड़ वाला शेरTree LionPanthera leo
अरण्य में घोड़ाForest HorseEquus ferus caballus
पहाड़ी बाघMountain TigerPanthera tigris altaica
जंगली भैंसWild BuffaloBubalus bubalis
विशाल बाघGiant TigerPanthera tigris
कबूतरPigeonColumba livia
शेर का बच्चाLion CubPanthera leo
शेरनीLionessPanthera leo
गैलोGallusGallus gallus domesticus
नर बकरीMale GoatCapra hircus
जैकैलJackalCanis aureus
तेंदुआ नरMale LeopardPanthera pardus
चीतलSpotted DeerAxis axis
हिरण का बच्चाDeer FawnCervidae
मृगनीFemale DeerCervidae
बाघ की जोड़ीPair of TigersPanthera tigris
काला भालूBlack BearUrsus americanus
चीते का बच्चाCheetah CubAcinonyx jubatus
जंगल पक्षीJungle Bird(Various species)
धारीदार कुत्ताStriped Dog(Unknown)
बंदर का बच्चाBaby MonkeyCercopithecoidea
काले तेंदुएBlack LeopardPanthera pardus
देवदार के जंगल का शेरCedar Forest LionPanthera leo
दुर्लभ तेंदुआRare LeopardPanthera pardus
सियारJackalCanis aureus
खच्चरMuleEquus mulus
ऊंटCamelCamelus dromedarius
सफेद भालूPolar BearUrsus maritimus
सियारJackalCanis aureus
शेर की पत्नीLionessPanthera leo
चूहे का शिकारRat Prey(Various species)
जंगली ऊंटWild CamelCamelus bactrianus
पटाखे वाले बंदरFirecracker MonkeyMacaca mulatta
तेंदुआ की जोड़ीPair of LeopardsPanthera pardus
कौआCrowCorvus brachyrhynchos
दरियाई घोड़ाHippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius
काले जोड़ी वाला शेरPair of Black LionsPanthera leo
बाघ का बच्चाTiger CubPanthera tigris
लुप्तप्राय प्रजाति बंदरEndangered Species Monkey(Various species)
अजगर का बच्चाPython HatchlingPythonidae
जंगल मच्छरJungle MosquitoAnopheles

Birds (पक्षी)

bird names in Hindi and English
Bird Names In HindiBird Names In EnglishScientific Name
मोरPeacockPavo cristatus
कबूतरPigeonColumba livia
मैनाMynaAcridotheres tristis
बत्तखDuckAnas platyrhynchos
मुर्गाRoosterGallus gallus
मुर्गीHenGallus gallus domesticus
कावCrowCorvus corone
चिड़ीयाBird (general)Passeriformes
बयाWeaver birdPloceidae
हुम्मिंग बर्डHummingbirdTrochilidae
पेड कुकुTree CuckooCuculidae
कबूतर की प्रजातिPigeon speciesColumba species
काले कौआBlack CrowCorvus splendens
चक्रवाकChakravakVanellus indicus
जलहंसWater SwanCygnus atratus
घुबघुBarn OwlTyto alba
ध्रुव पक्षीPolar BirdVarious species
पंख वाली मछलीFlying FishExocoetidae
साधु पक्षीAscetic BirdVarious species
पार्वती पक्षीParvati BirdVarious species
बुलबुल पक्षीBulbul BirdPycnonotidae
बिंदीदार कबूतरSpotted PigeonColumba guinea
बेलुंगBelungVarious species
चकोरChakorAlectoris chukar
हरी मुर्गीGreen HenGallus gallus
जलमुर्गीWater HenGallus gallus
पंखीBirdVarious species
लाल मुर्गाRed RoosterGallus gallus
सफेद बगुलाWhite HeronEgretta alba
कंघी पक्षीComb birdVarious species
गैलाहGalahEolophus roseicapillus
कबूतर वाली पक्षीPigeon-like birdColumba species
कमल पक्षीLotus birdVarious species
कागाRavenCorvus corax
सफेद ककड़ी पक्षीWhite Cuckoo BirdCuculidae
हुकलरHook-billed BirdVarious species
छोटा बाजSmall FalconFalco sparverius
बाघी पक्षीTiger BirdVarious species
हेरोल्डHaroldVarious species
स्वर्ण पक्षीGolden BirdVarious species
कान्हा पक्षीKanha BirdVarious species
बंशी पक्षीFlute BirdVarious species
मोरपंख पक्षीPeacock Feather BirdPavo cristatus
राजहंसRoyal SwanCygnus olor
हिमालयी पक्षीHimalayan BirdVarious species
हलचल पक्षीStirring BirdVarious species
सफेद पक्षीWhite BirdVarious species
शाही पक्षीRoyal BirdVarious species
तांबा पक्षीCopper BirdVarious species
आसमानी पक्षीSky BirdVarious species
कलहंसी पक्षीBickering BirdVarious species
सर्पवृद्धि पक्षीSerpent BirdVarious species
काठपालकWoodkeeper BirdVarious species
सिंहसा पक्षीLion-hearted BirdVarious species
धरती पक्षीEarth BirdVarious species
कछुवा पक्षीTurtle BirdVarious species
हल्दी पक्षीTurmeric BirdVarious species
उड़ता पक्षीFlying BirdVarious species

Aquatic Animals (जल में रहने वाले जानवर)

Aquatic Animals  Names In Hindi And English

Aquatic animals are creatures that live in water, such as oceans, rivers, and lakes. They can range from tiny fish to large whales. Learning the Aquatic animal names in Hindi and English helps us learn more about them. If you are a student or someone who enjoys nature, knowing these names will enhance your understanding of marine life.

Aquatic Animal Names In HindiAquatic Animal Names In HindiScientific Name
मछलीFishVarious species
मछली का बच्चाFish FryVarious species
जलसर्पWater SnakeVarious species
सीहॉर्सSea HorseHippocampus
पनडुब्बी मछलीSubmarine FishVarious species
कीड़ाWormVarious species
ओस्ट्रिचOstrichStruthio camelus
घोंघे का बच्चाSnail LarvaeVarious species
बूटBoot FishVarious species
चेटChettVarious species
नीलBlue FishVarious species
लास्केLaskeyVarious species
समुद्र मछलीOcean FishVarious species
नौका मछलीBoat FishVarious species
कांटेदार मछलीSpiny FishVarious species
दलदल मछलीMarsh FishVarious species
पागो मछलीPago FishVarious species
आर्टिक मछलीArctic FishVarious species
इंद्रधनुषी मछलीRainbow FishVarious species
स्विफ्टफिशSwiftfishVarious species
कांटेदार समुंदर मछलीSpiny Sea FishVarious species
जैतून मछलीOlive FishVarious species
एलबिन मछलीAlbino FishVarious species
समुद्री घोड़ाSeahorseHippocampus
सी लेनSea LaneVarious species
हड्डी मछलीBony FishOsteichthyes
गरम जल मछलीWarmwater FishVarious species
ठंडी जल मछलीColdwater FishVarious species
मछली पंखFish WingsVarious species
बर्ड मछलीBird FishVarious species
गहरे पानी की मछलीDeepwater FishVarious species
छिपकली मछलीGecko FishVarious species
जहरीली मछलीPoisonous FishVarious species
धरती मछलीEarth FishVarious species
सफेद मछलीWhite FishVarious species
काले मछलीBlack FishVarious species
गोल्डफिशGoldfishCarassius auratus
चमकीली मछलीShiny FishVarious species
रेड फिशRed FishVarious species
वन्य मछलीWild FishVarious species
नदी मछलीRiver FishVarious species
नदी किनारे मछलीRiverbank FishVarious species
लूज़ मछलीLoose FishVarious species
गहरी जल मछलीDeep Sea FishVarious species
छोटे मछलीSmall FishVarious species
मूंगा मछलीCoral FishVarious species
समंदर की मछलीSea FishVarious species
बर्फीली मछलीIce FishVarious species
जंगली मछलीJungle FishVarious species
हलचल मछलीStirring FishVarious species
मौर मछलीPeacock FishVarious species
दीवार मछलीWall FishVarious species
समुद्री टॉर्टोइजSea TurtleCheloniidae
शार्क मछलीShark FishCarcharhinidae
समुंदर घोड़ाSea HorseHippocampus
जलमछलीWater FishVarious species
सूरजमुखी मछलीSunflower FishVarious species
उच्च जल मछलीHighwater FishVarious species
गहरे समुद्र की मछलीDeep Sea FishVarious species
ताजे पानी की मछलीFreshwater FishVarious species
चीनी मछलीChinese FishVarious species
केकड़ा मछलीCrab FishVarious species
जलटॉर्टोइजWater TurtleTestudines
काले शार्क मछलीBlack Shark FishCarcharhinidae
बंदर मछलीMonkey FishVarious species
समुद्री चूहे की मछलीSea Mouse FishVarious species
जंगल मछलीForest FishVarious species
नल मछलीPipe FishSyngnathidae
ताजे जल मछलीFreshwater FishVarious species
कील वाली मछलीKeel FishVarious species
मछली के आकार का पक्षीFish-shaped BirdVarious species
चांदी मछलीSilver FishVarious species
नीली मछलीBlue FishVarious species
पीली मछलीYellow FishVarious species
जलतंत्र मछलीAquatic FishVarious species
रंगीन मछलीColorful FishVarious species
संगठित मछलीSchool FishVarious species

Reptiles and Amphibians (सरीसृप और उभयचर)

Reptiles and Amphibians names in Hindi And English

Reptiles and amphibians are two types of animals that live both on land and in water. Reptiles, like snakes and lizards, have dry skin and usually lay eggs. Learning reptile and amphibian names in Hindi and English helps us understand these animals better. Whether you are a student or someone who loves animals, knowing their names will help you learn more about them.

Reptiles and Amphibians Names In HindiReptiles and Amphibians Names In EnglishScientific Name
ताजे पानी का कछुआFreshwater TurtleTrionychidae
बुढ़ा साँपOld SnakeSerpentes
हलचल साँपRattlesnakeCrotalus
किंग कोबराKing CobraOphiophagus hannah
तिरछा कछुआSlanted TurtleChelonioidea
जलीय कछुआAquatic TurtleTrionychidae
चूहे का सांपRat SnakeElaphe
भूत साँपGhost SnakeSerpentes
लेपर्ड गेकोLeopard GeckoEublepharis macularius
अजगर का बच्चाBaby PythonPythonidae
जल सांपWater SnakeHydrophiinae
हिमालयी अजगरHimalayan PythonPython molurus
समुद्री सांपSea SnakeHydrophiidae
कंबल साँपBlanket SnakeLampropeltis
चूहा सांपRat SnakeElaphe
थॉर्न-लिजर्डThorn LizardUrosaurus
पानी में रहने वाला सांपWater-dwelling SnakeNerodia
नलिया सांपPipe SnakeAgkistrodon
कछुआ का बच्चाBaby TurtleTestudines
उपशाखा गेकोBranch GeckoPhelsuma
गरम जल साँपHot Water SnakeHydrophiinae
कट्टर साँपFierce SnakeAgkistrodon
कालाहारी गेकोKalahari GeckoPachydactylus
नर बिच्छूMale ScorpionScorpiones
काली छिपकलीBlack LizardLacertilia
शीतल छिपकलीCool LizardSceloporus
बल्ब फिशBulb FishSynodontidae
छोटे सरीसृपSmall ReptileSquamata
उभयचर कछुआAmphibious TurtleChelonioidea
स्नेक लिजार्डSnake LizardXantusia
मील प्रजातिMill SpeciesLumbricidae
मादा अजगरFemale PythonPythonidae
आम बिच्छूCommon ScorpionScorpiones
कीड़ा सांपBug SnakeTyphlops
थॉर्न बिच्छूThorn ScorpionUrodacus
ऊपरी समुद्री अजगरUpper Sea PythonPythonidae
टोकन सांपToken SnakeDendroaspis
बैटरी-सांपBattery SnakeNaja
गहरा कछुआDeep TurtleChelonioidea
जल मच्छरWater MosquitoCulicidae
पत्तों के नीचे छिपकलीLeaf LizardEublepharis macularius
काले सरीसृपBlack ReptileSquamata
बिच्छू की टांगScorpion’s LegScorpiones
अंडे देने वाला सांपEgg-laying SnakeSerpentes
सैंड लिजार्डSand LizardSceloporus
जंगली अजगरWild PythonPythonidae
बर्फीला अजगरSnowy PythonPythonidae
धरती सांपEarth SnakeSerpentes
लाल सांपRed SnakeElaphe
समुद्र गेकोSea GeckoGekkonidae
कांच का साँपGlass SnakeOphidians
नीला साँपBlue SnakeDendroaspis
लकड़ी की छिपकलीWood LizardLacertilia
जंगली कछुआWild TurtleTestudines
बेलड मछलीBeld FishCyprinidae
रंगीन साँपColorful SnakeLampropeltis
जंगली अजगरWild PythonPythonidae
गुलाबी छिपकलीPink LizardLacertilia
जंगली गेकोWild GeckoGekkonidae
बड़ी छिपकलीLarge LizardVaranidae
ताजे पानी की छिपकलीFreshwater LizardSceloporus
समुद्र का कछुआSea TurtleChelonioidea
किचन लिजार्डKitchen LizardGekkonidae
चमकदार साँपShiny SnakeElapidae
जाल बिछाने वाला साँपNet-laying SnakeNaja
भूरे कछुएBrown TortoiseTestudines
जल तंत्रWater SystemHydra
समुद्र मछली का सांपSea Fish SnakeHydrophiidae
खतरनाक अजगरDangerous PythonPythonidae
कटा हुआ सांपCut SnakeSerpentes
उत्तर सांपNorth SnakeColubridae
पेलसियस लिजार्डPelecius LizardLacertilia
बोआ अजगरBoa PythonBoidae
गहरे पानी में साँपDeep Water SnakeHydrophiinae
लाल कीड़ाRed WormLumbricidae
अद्भुत गेकोAmazing GeckoGekkonidae
बैटमैन लिजार्डBatman LizardCrotaphytus
सरीसृप का बच्चाReptile BabySquamata
जंगली बिच्छूWild ScorpionScorpiones
कछुआ की खालTurtle ShellTestudines
सफेद सांपWhite SnakeNaja
जर्मन सांपGerman SnakeNaja

Insect and bugs (कीड़े और कीट)

Insect and bugs names in hindi and english

Insects and bugs are small creatures with six legs. They live in many places, like gardens, forests, and even inside our homes. Learning Insects and bugs names in Hindi and English helps us understand them better. Whether you are a student or enjoy nature, knowing these names will help you learn more about insects and bugs.

In this list, we will share the names of common insects and bugs in both Hindi and English languages to help you discover their world.

Insect and Bug Name In HindiInsect and bug Name In EnglishScientific Name
कांडाStick InsectPhasmatodea
कांटेदार कीड़ाThorn InsectAcanthocoridae
किटनKittenFelis catus
भूतनीGhost MothHepialidae
मधुमक्खीHoneybeeApis mellifera
लाल चींटीRed AntFormicidae
नारंगी कीटOrange BugHemiptera
पंख वाली मक्खीWinged FlyMuscidae
पेड़ कीटTree BugHemiptera
जंगली मच्छरWild MosquitoCulicidae
जल कीटWater BeetleDytiscidae
सांप की लार्वाSnake LarvaeSerpentes
मच्छर का बच्चाMosquito LarvaeCulicidae
चिड़ीया कीटBird MiteDermanyssidae
टिड्डी दलSwarm of LocustsCaelifera
हड्डी कीटBone BeetleDermestidae
छिपकली का बच्चाBaby LizardLacertilia
चुम्बक कीटMagnet MiteTrombidiidae
बूँदी कीटPollen BeetleNitidulidae
मधुमक्खी का बच्चाHoneybee LarvaeApis mellifera
तेंदुआ कीटLeopard MothCrambidae
काटने वाली मक्खीBiting FlyTabanidae
गुब्बारा कीटBalloon BugScelionidae
नाग कीटCobra MothPyralidae
धरती कीटEarthwormLumbricidae
जंगली पंखीWild Winged InsectOdonata
पंखों वाला कीटWinged InsectInsecta
जल कीटWater InsectDytiscidae

Animal Body Part names in hindi and english

Knowing the animal body part names in Hindi and English can help us understand animals better.

Animal Body Part Names In HindiAnimal Body Part Names In EnglishScientific Name
पंखFeatherFeathers (Aves)
पूंछTailCauda (varies by species)
हाथी-दांतTusksElephantidae (Elephants)
डंकStingStinger (Insects)
शल्कScaleSquama (Reptiles, Fish)
काँटाThornSpine (varies by species)
मछली का परFish FinFin (Pisces)

different animal sounds in hindi

How to Remember These hindi animal Names?

  1. Flashcards: Write the animal name in Hindi on one side and draw a picture of the animal on the other side. Look at the cards every day to help you remember.
  2. Rhymes: Make little songs or rhymes with the animal names. Rhyming makes it easier to remember words.
  3. Mnemonics: Create fun tricks to help you remember. For example, to remember the word for dog (कुत्ता), think of the word cut and imagine the dog cutting something. This will help you remember better.
  4. Practice Speaking: Say the animal names in Hindi out loud every day. The more you speak, the easier it will be to remember.
  5. Free Online Resources: Use free websites, apps, or YouTube videos to learn animal names in Hindi. There are many helpful resources available.

These simple ideas will help you remember animal names in Hindi easily and in a fun way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to learn animal names in Hindi?

Learning animal names in Hindi helps you understand the language better. It also helps you connect with Indian culture, where animals play an important role in stories, traditions, and daily life.

How can I remember animal names in Hindi?

You can use flashcards or make fun rhymes to remember animal names. Watching cartoons or reading animal stories in Hindi can also help you remember the names easily.

Are Hindi animal names the same all over India?

Most animal names in Hindi are the same across India. However, sometimes, there are different names used in different regions or states based on local languages or dialects.

What are some popular domestic animals in Hindi?

Some common domestic animals in Hindi include:
Dog = कुत्ता (Kutta)
Cat = बिल्ली (Billi)
Cow = गाय (Gaay)
Goat = बकरा (Bakra)

Can you give an example of an animal name that is the same in Hindi and English?

Yes! Some animals have the same name in both languages, such as Monkey (मंकी, Manki) and Elephant (हाथी, Haathi) is almost the same in both languages.

What are some common birds in Hindi?

Here are a few common birds in Hindi:
Sparrow = गौरैया (Gauraiya)
Peacock = मोर (Mor)
Parrot = तोता (Tota)

How can I use animal names in Hindi in daily conversations?

You can use animal names in sentences. For example:
The dog is barking. = कुत्ता भौंक रहा है (Kutta bhonk raha hai).
I saw a lion at the zoo. = मैंने चिड़ियाघर में बाघ देखा (Maine chidiya ghar mein baagh dekha).

Where can I learn more animal names in Hindi?

You can find many online resources, apps, and websites that teach Hindi animal names. Watching Hindi cartoons or reading Hindi books for kids is another fun way to learn.


Learning animal names in Hindi is not only a fun way to expand your vocabulary but also a great way to connect with Indian culture and traditions. Whether you’re a student, traveler, or language learner, understanding these names enhances your knowledge of nature and wildlife. By exploring the names of animals in Hindi, you open the door to better communication and deeper cultural understanding. So, practice these names regularly, and soon you’ll be able to name a wide range of animals in Hindi with ease.

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